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President's Message 

Asst Prof Aung Myint Oo

President - OMSSS

My Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Thank you very much for your kind support and trust in me to serve you as the 7th President of the OMSSS from 2024 to 2026. I am greatly honoured. I solemnly promise to do my best to follow the legacies and visions of my predecessors who founded and led the society before me.

Since it’s founding in 2011, the society has been able to achieve several milestones over the years including successfully organizing the annual scientific congresses together with our sister societies for past 8 years. We manage to unite together and bring the up-to-date scientific knowledge as well as networking opportunities to all our valuable members during the annual congresses.

As a member society of IFSO-APC (International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders – Asia Pacific Chapter), I intend to work together with other societies in the Chapter in fighting against obesity and metabolic disorders not only locally and regionally but also internationally.

I have also planned to work together with Chapter of General Surgeons, College of Surgeons, Academy of Medicine Singapore in developing the position statements/ guidelines on the surgical management of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders during my presidency.

On behalf of the EXCO, I also would like to sincerely thank all the members for your continual support and contribution to the society over the years. I also would like to cordially invite all the healthcare professionals who are involved or interested in the management of obesity and metabolic disorders in Singapore to join us as valuable members. I also would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all the industrial partners for supporting the society in organizing the scientific and educational events over the years. I look forward to working closely together with all of you in organizing more educational events during my presidency to add value to all the members and the patients we serve.

OMSSS will be organizing four scientific meetings annually. All the members are warmly welcome to join us and share your knowledge and experience during the upcoming scientific meetings too.

Let us unite and work together in fighting against obesity and metabolic disorders in Singapore and beyond. I am confident that we will emerge stronger and better by working together closely.

I look forward to serving all of you during my presidency.

Thank you very much.

Sincerely yours,
Aung Myint Oo @ Ye Jian Guo
Obesity and Metabolic Surgery Society of Singapore

The OMSSS is managed by :

Globewerks International Pte Ltd

22 Sin Ming Lane, #03-85 Midview City

Singapore 573969

Phone +65 65137310

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